Moorehead Enterprise Forums

View Full Version : Spare A Minute To Introduce Yourself

9th January 2013, 01:20 PM
We'd like very much to know a little about you, so if you could just spare 30 seconds by Introducing Yourself, then we'd be pleased; you might even gain a new friend!! :)

13th July 2015, 09:50 PM
Hi, there just purchased my 2004 Honda stepwagon 2.4i vtec Spada T. i'm excited too find out as much as i can about this great vehicle. It looks great and i can't wait to drive it as soon as i can.

moe syzlak
25th September 2015, 05:57 PM
H Just purchased the Stepwagn and starting the long road to convert it to a campervan - LPG conversion, elevating roof and the inside.

9th October 2015, 11:19 PM
Hey guys and gals. Just purchased a 2000 Stepwagon. Hope to hear from / chat to you all soon.

10th October 2023, 07:03 PM
Hi xbox1 and welcome!

That's quite an old model; is it good?

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