Moorehead Enterprise Forums

View Full Version : Welcome JoshuaRees

13th February 2019, 01:01 PM
Hi JoshuaRees, a warm welcome to Global Forums!

For feedback, what made you register here?

Is the site easy on the eyes or is it too loud?

13th February 2019, 01:09 PM
Hi All,

I have a 2004 Stepwagon and I have recently been unable to shut the boot.
It is currently secured from the inside, and can only be opened from the inside. The trunk open alert light on the dashboard is on.

Since the electronic component has stopped working, it no longer functions even manually. I have taken it to two garages, one of which was a honda dealership and neither could help. I just want to be able to close and shut the boot from the outside.

Is it genuinely not possible to override/ remove the electric motor and just have a manual handle?

Has anyone else had this issue?

Please help

Thank you


15th February 2019, 06:48 PM
See my message here: Global Forums UK (

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